UBC Explorer Course Search

Enter a department and code below to search for a course. Eg: Department: 'CPSC' Code: '210'

EOSC 350

Principles of geophysical survey design, data acquisition, processing and interpretation with emphasis on near-surface problems. Magnetic, seismic reflection/refraction, electromagnetic and ground penetrating radar surveys. Case history analysis of environmental and geotechnical problems. [3-2-0]

Credits: 3

Prerequisite / Corequisite Courses

Selected course's prerequisites and corequisites.

Prerequisite Information:

One of MATH 200, MATH 253 and third-year standing or higher in Science or Applied Science.

Dependent Courses

Courses that list this course as a direct prerequisite.

UBC Explorer Course Search

Welcome to the UBC Explorer - Course Search
The course search tool is created to enable a seamless, fast course search experience.

Desktop users: Hover over a course to see information about prerequisites and historical grade averages.

Mobile users: press and hold on a course to see the same information.

Getting Started
To get started, input the department and course code and select search. A list of prerequisites/corequisites and dependent courses will also be shown in the two right lanes.
To view the course on SSC, click the course name.

Documentation for the open API can be found here.

Feedback / Bugs
If you notice any bugs or have any feedback, feel free to use the link above, or send an email to hello@ubcexplorer.io.